Monday, November 1, 2010


“Arrrgh!” Could be my cry if I were dressed like a pirate this Halloween night.  I didn’t dress like a pirate and yet I need to scream ARRRGH!  October is gone.  We aren't going in October, pushed to November.  November starts tomorrow, yet remember the passports we applied for back on October 8th?  That is okay if you have forgotten, so has the process.  We are lost in yet another shuffle.  Our passports which are expedited (ask other family members what happens when you just go through the regular passport process, right D?) still have not arrived so we have not even applied for our visas.  Now we're thinking November is going to become December and my excitement is lacking the luster it once had.  Let’s go back to the beginning and pray for health, strength and patience.  While we're at it we can also go back to our original enthusiasm while we hurry up and WAIT!