Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Looks like we made it!

We arrived, finally we arrived.  With Christmas packed along with school books and clothes all the bags were very heavy but we made sure all were under 50 pounds before we left our temporary home away from home in the hotel.  We left the USA and flew to Frankfort then to Delhi and arrived at about one in the morning on Monday, December 6.  All our luggage also arrived safe and in tacked for the most part, one handle broke.   The air was all a haze, even in the airport, so when we stepped outside the four of us who had never been to India didn't know it was outside, we only knew it was more hazy and a little cooler than the room we were just in. We compared the smell to campfire, mostly because that was something we knew. A gentleman greeted at the airport and then drove us to our new home. The drive at one in the morning to our flat was an easy one, nothing out of the ordinary.  We saw some tuk-tuks and other odd vehicles. We saw one accident, a truck turned on its side but for the most part it was a smooth ride to our flat.  Unfortunately the whole inside of our flat was freshly painted for our arrival and was made from the cool colorful walls we saw in pictures to the boring drab ivory we hoped not to see.  In the pictures it looked bright and fun, like we hoped for our life in India.  We will decorate with bright and fun and make it our home in India and all will be well.  You just come and see!

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