Friday, January 14, 2011

Are Things So Different?

We were still awake at 9:30pm when the drumming began.  The younger kids were in bed but not sleeping yet.  There was some very loud drumming coming from right outside our building, performance type of drumming, but it was 9:30pm on a school/work night.  We looked out from our upper story windows and could see there was a fire right across the street from our building.  Nothing to note, it was just a small camp fire.  One like every other small camp fire happening all over the city at this hour of night.  Simple fires set to warm the bodies of those around it.  The only reason this fire was any different was that there seemed to be some people circling the fire and the drumming that brought our attention to the window in the first place.  Despite the attention, the drumming continued, the circling continued and after a bit there was even some rhythmic clapping to accompany the drums and an occasional whoop or holler.
We laughed with each other and mister commented, "Just like back home.  Our neighbors would have a fire and drum and circle until all hours of the night."  Although we didn't seem to stand at the window and watch them.
I asked our housekeeper the next morning if she too heard the drumming.  She had and thought it was someone getting married or maybe an Indian festival.  June seems to be the time of year to get married in the states but November and December are big wedding months in India.  She tells me that many times when it gets dark then the celebrations begin.  Hummm, that too seems familiar.

Added on Sunday, January 16, 2011
Just found this article reporting on the festival of Lorhi

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