And another one gone, and another one gone,
another one bites the dust. We are back in the market for another driver yet
again. Drivers have proven to be an issue for us during our entire existence in
New Delhi. We have yet to find a person to drive our family that is really
suitable to our needs. Our most recent hire conveniently waited for our family
to be away on holiday to return all his driver belongings to our house manager
and announce he is leaving our job. All of this of course falls on the heels of
visitors being here from the US. Just when a reliable driver is most needed, to
make everyone most comfortable in India we are searching for the reliable
driver. My pessimism is punchy right now and I feel reliable driver here is an
oxymoron. He tried to explain to me when I saw him upon my return to New Delhi
but in my defense I did not ask many questions. I have become very frustrated
when I ask questions to people. It seems natural for most people to try to
gauge what answer would please me the most and tell me that selected answer
instead of search in their soul to find what I would call the “truth”. I need
to step back, take a deep breath and accept that “truth” is subjective. In our
search for another driver we do not have a long two years left to our stay in
India which makes us undesirable to work for in most cases. As is with anyone
looking for employment, drivers want to know you will be here a long time so
they will not be looking for another job in six months time. So for now I am
collecting bios and resumes this week and sifting through what could be a
suitable fit. “Where do you live?” “How do you commute?” “What hours can you work?” “Do you have a record?” and I hum.
He walks warily down the street, With the brim pulled way down low. Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet. Another one bites the dust.-Queen